React '99

Use Reason and React 2077 to invoke the HTML of 1999.


Run this command:

npm i react-99

If you're using Reason, then add it to your bs-dependencies in your bsconfig.json file:

"bs-dependencies": [

Example code

Choose your language:

Tired of modern styling code? Miss setting font size with <FONT>? How about ye olde <BLINK> tag?

open React99;
module SuperCoolHeader = {
  let make = () =>
        <FONT color="red" size="7">
          {React.string("Get up and slam!")}
import {BLINK, CENTER, FONT} from "react-99";
const SuperCoolHeader = () =>
      <FONT color="red" size="7">
        Get up and slam!

<BASEFONT> can be used to set the default font size inherited by children <FONT> tags.

open React99;
module MindBlowingEffect = {
  let make = () =>
    <BASEFONT color="aqua" size=5 face="comic sans ms">
          {React.string("And welcome to the ")}
          <FONT size="+1"> {React.string("Jam.")} </FONT>
import {CENTER, BASEFONT, FONT} from "react-99";
const MindBlowingEffect = () =>
  <BASEFONT color="aqua" size={5} face="comic sans ms">
        And welcome to the <FONT size="+1">Jam.</FONT>

API reference


Centers the text of its children.


Gives the text a "blink" effect.


Sets the default font for its children. The size prop can be an integer from 1 to 7.

Prop Type
children reactElement
color option(string)
face option(string)
size option(int)


Sets the font for its children. The size prop is a string of an integer. It can begin with a "+" or a "-" to add or subtract the number from the BASEFONT defaults.

Prop Type
children reactElement
color option(string)
face option(string)
size option(string)


React '99 is made with ReasonReact, but it's probably usable by regular ReactJS too. It requires the bs-platform and reason-react modules, which it lists as peer dependencies. You'll need to install those to use it.

I don't test JavaScript, so use at your own risk.

The default font size is 3, which is equivilant to 16px.