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Acutis is a template language that features static typing, pattern matching, and asynchronous template components. You can execute your templates like scripts or compile them to self-contained JavaScript files.

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{% interface
siteTitle = string
blogPosts =
title: string,
author: {name: ?string},
date: string,
image: ?{alt: string, src: string},
content: string

<h1> Blog posts for {% siteTitle %} </h1>
{%~ map blogPosts with {image, title, content, date, author: {name}} %}
<article class="h-entry">
{% match image with null ~%}
{* no image *}
{%~ with !{src, alt} ~%}
<img src="{% src %}" alt="{% alt %}">
{% /match ~%}
<h2 class="p-name"> {% title %} </h2>
<span class="p-author"> By {% name ? "Anonymous" %} </span>
<span class="dt-published"> Posted on {% date %} </span>
<div class="e-content"> {{% content %}} </div>
{%~ /map %}

See how this example compiles in the playground.